This post assumes you know how to install Python and submodules for Python.

I have been working on a script that will allow me to post a link to Twitter when I write a blog post here.

I have used IFTTT for things like this in the past, but I have never been happy with that. Technically IFTTT works but I have had issues, double posts, posting the wrong thing, etc. So I wanted to figure out away to do this myself.

And of course I turned to Python for this.

I started by trying to find a module that would allow me to easily post to Twitter. I found a module called Twython, it was fairly easy to set up: Something like this:

# Import Twython and TwythonError

from twython import Twython, TwythonError

# Set up your Credententals

APP_KEY = 'app key'
APP_SECRET = 'app secret'
OAUTH_TOKEN = 'oauth token'
OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = 'oauth secret token'
# set up your twython connection to twitter

#send your status to twitter

twitter.update_status(status = 'Posting to twitter from Python')

You can create an ‘app’ and create the needed credentials by going to

Next I wanted to use my account to create a ‘short link’(this is in air quotes because my short link is because I haven’t figured out a shorter url that I am happy with yet. 😏)

Awesome thing about is that they have an API, man I love API’s. So I didn’t need to go find a module for Python I already had one that i used before that is awesome……Requests. To implement requests you do something like this:

# Import the Requests Module

import requests

# Set first half of API call with API key

apiend    = ''
# Set the link you want to shorten 

longlink  = ''
# Set format you want the API to return data in 

getformat = '&format=txt'
# combine all elements of the API url

url = (apiend + longlink + getformat)
# Run API get 

r = requests.get(url)
#Print out the results of the API call

print r.text

Finally I needed to be able to read and parse the RSS feed from the blog so that I could get the latest post so that we can shorten the link and and post it to Twitter.

I needed another Python module for this and when i wen searching I found Feedparser. Again the implementation goes like this:

# Import Feedparser

import feedparser
# set feed to read

d = feedparser.parse('')
# set title from the top post in the feed

title =  d['entries'][0]['title']
# set the link from the top post in the feed

link  =  d['entries'][0]['link']
# print out the combine titel and link

print (title + '  ' + link)

So when I finally put all this together we get something like this:

from twython import Twython, TwythonError
import feedparser
import requests

d = feedparser.parse('')

title =  d['entries'][0]['title']
link  =  d['entries'][0]['link']

APP_KEY = 'app key'
APP_SECRET = 'app secret'
OAUTH_TOKEN = 'oauth token'
OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = 'oauth secret token'

apiend    = ''
longlink  = link
getformat = '&format=txt'
url = (apiend + longlink + getformat)


url = (apiend + longlink + getformat)

r = requests.get(url)

twitter.update_status(status = title + ' ' + r.text)

Couple of things are missing before I would consider this completely ready for production. For one there is no erroring handling at all. I should also be keeping track of the title of each blog post to make sure I am not spamming twitter with the same blog post over and over again.

those are going to be my steps…..